I liked your article, Oshan. I agree with you that philosophy exists in the spiritual and theoretical realm of reality. it is where our values and ideals exist (Truth and Goodness and Beauty). Huamn Experience and consciousness are required for this realm to be.
However, livng and living contemplatively are not synonymous. Not all human beings have their existence focused on increasing awareness or consciousness or self awareness. Often human life is focused on the material world with neglect of psychological and theoretical (spiritual) goals.
I believe that all human beings who are fully intact have the potential for psychological and spiritual development. However, there are no doubt individual differences in temperament and ability which effect the extent of those developments in different people. And certainly there are powerful cultural influences which inhibit the full development of individuality, psychological potential (for awareness and self awareness) as well as theoretical and spiritual functioning. Increasing our understanding of how and why people differ in their ways of living and finding ways to counter those influences that suppress the full development of human potential so that we can change our child rearing and educational practices to those ends is perhaps the greatest challenge we humans face.